No compromises

A. Contact information:
B. Tell us what do you have in mind:

C. Do you have a file that can help us? Upload it!
Ex: location, cadastral reference, surface...

D. Accept the privacy policy.

Privacy policy.-
In compliance with Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the data you provide will be included in a file which is responsible ALTIPLÀ GEOMÀTICA I TOPOGRAFIA, S.L.P., residing at Street Juan de Austria, 51 B-2, Poble Nou - 08005 Barcelona, ​​CIF B62425236 ( where you can go to exercise the rights that have opposition, access, correction and cancellation their personal data. Your data will be used to send information and perform administrative Altiplà concerned. In this regard we express our commitment to make responsible use confidential.

I accept theData protection