Using laser scanning equipment, for the massive capture of data of a certain element, a practically continuous model is obtained. This model allows to have a very detailed knowledge of the structure. Starting from the point cloud, once the data is processed with the Cyclone360 software, a set of documents are generated for the control and analysis of the structure. If a temporary control of the structure (4D) is carried out, deformations and / or inclinations can be detected.
A BIM model is generated, in IFC 2×3 format, compatible with softwares that work with this type of information.
In this case study, from the results generated, we can analyze the radius of the chimney at different heights, know the variation of the verticality of the axis (angular and distance), obtaining a graph with hypsometric inks with the variation of height and a plan view with the sections made at different heights (Images 1 and 2).
Generation of products for the analysis and dimensional control of structures
Plan view of the sections at different heights, distance between axis variation
BIM modeling in IFC 2×3 format displayed in BIM Vision
Data capture in the field.
Processing of the data captured in the field with Cyclone360
3D Control Industrial Fireplace (watch video).